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 The Military Order of the World Wars
                   Region III

Read Me First

1.  PURPOSE: The purpose of this website is to enlighten young people on the factors that may contribute toward making them leaders, to stimulate their thoughts on how to become a leader and to gain an appreciation of what it takes to become a Great Leader.  


2. NATURE & SOURCE OF PROGRAM: This program is designed around three Power Point Shows, which is broken down into six parts to allow for shorter presentations.  The program is being made available free of charge by Region III of the Military Order of the World Wars, which consists of five chapters located in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. These programs have not been sanctioned by any public educational organization and cannot be used to grant any form of educational credit.


3. CONTENT: As shown on the Home page there are six Power Point Shows making up this program.  By clicking on any one of the Power Point Shows, highlighted in yellow, you will be launched into its Summary page, which gives you background information about that particular program and will enable you to access the actual Power Point Show.  You may bypass the Summary pages and download the Power Point Shows by clicking on the Download icon, highlighted in blue.  


4.  PRACTICAL EXERCISES:  Likewise, there are three Practical Exercises which may be used to reinforce the learning experience.  Upon clicking on either one highlighted in yellow you will be launched into its summary page. Within the summary page you may download the PEs or you may download the PEs directly, by clicking on the blue highlighted icons. The PEs are in Word format.


5.  RETURN TO HOME PAGE:  Once you access a Summary page and wish to move on you must click on the "Return to Home Page" link.  


6. FACILITATOR’S ROLE:  A Facilitator is a person who has the necessary computer equipment and projector to conduct a series of seminars on leadership.  A Facilitator should preview the programs before presenting them to a group of young people or adults.


     a.  It is suggested that the Practical Exercises be printed and used as hand-outs, after a presentation.


     b.  It is recommended that the programs be aimed at teenagers and above, particularly high school and college students.


     c.  The Facilitator should have a working knowledge of Power Point software.  


     d.  Most slides contain a narrative; however, notes are provided at the bottom of most slides in the event the Facilitator wishes to deliver the narrative.


7. UNIQUE FEATURES OF POWER POINT: There were a few Power Point features which required the designers of the programs to offer alternatives.


     a. If a slide containing a video fails to advance click on the arrow in the red box to start the video or on the arrow in the dialogue box at the bottom of the clip.


     b.  Some slides may not automatically advance at the end of an embedded video in which case the slide must be advanced manually.  Right click the mouse outside the video pane and select “next slide”.  You may also push the right arrow on your keyboard.


     c.  Due to the size of some files, it may take as much as 15 seconds to load a given Power Point file.


     d.  Once you are in Power Point select “Slide Show” then “From the beginning” to start the program.


     e.  If a yellow ribbon appears below the menu bar, after loading Power Point, which contains the words “enable edit” or “enable content”, click on each to allow for viewing.


8. OTHER SOURCES: In addition to this web-based program access to the Power Point Shows may be found on the following media:


     a.  YouTube link at “MOWW Youth Leadership”


     b.  MOWW Delaware website at ‘ or Google:  The Delaware Chapter website contains additional information.



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